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  • Writer's pictureJeannette Kroeskop


Hello Beautiful Being,


After more than 2 years in Georgia I am back on Dutch soil and settling down in Eemnes!

Georgia is an amazing country, I love that raw nature, those mountains and rivers. The pure area’s where you can walk, hike, climb and discover to your heart’s content. The variation in climate and landscape, the fascinating rich culture that is in the genes of all Georgians. I have met beautiful people, some wonderful soul connections are created and I feel deeply connected to the energy of the country. It is a beautiful, special, educational, enriching period in my life that I absolutely would not have missed! Thank you Sakartvelo (Georgia) for all you have given me,I feel deeply connected with you.

So now I am back, in the middle of the country, in a house with garden (in the making), in a friendly village where I’m creating my new Home. I feel welcome, look at my fatherland with new eyes. To the changes that have taken place here. I feel shifts in thinking, in consciousness or perhaps it is unique to my new living environment. I am experiencing joyful reunion with family and friends. An abundance comes my way in the form of all kinds of things, furniture, help with chores, a free ride to pick up things,  finding things at the recycling centre that I can tick off of my wish list, a loan bicycle and air mattress, a bag with groceries and much more!  Grateful for so many heartwarming actions that help me get back on track to start up again, to be and to live here.

Yes, there is also an abundance of things that need to find a place, wonderful memories but also a lot of goodbye, loss and disappointment. After a few busy weeks in Tbilisi to pack up life there and some weeks of ‘chores’ in my new home it was no surprise that I was tired on all levels. So being sick as a result and fortunately I recovered fairly quick and am more rested. I’m going to take it slow(er) in the coming period and just ‘be’ in peace and quiet. To find places for what floats above, what wants to be seen and felt so that a new inner grid, space and direction can open up after an intensive period of months.

December is an excellent period for that, cozy with a blanket and a pot of tea, contemplating on where I am and how I’d like to continue. There are plans… but first I will enjoy all that’s already here!!! December is also month of connection for me, with myself, with loved ones but also with strangers. Smile and/or greet a stranger on the street, you never know what it means to them, and feel what it does in you…

For the coming holidays, I wish you all a heart full of love, a belly full of wisdom, a head full of space and an energy field full of confidence to go with the rhythm of life.

Dear you, dare to live! I will continue to remind myself on this too because if I don’t get ‘in the way’ there will simply be so much beauty on my path which I welcome with open arms!

Let 2024 come… I know, it may not seem to be the easiest year ahead of us but together we are going to making it a feast! I look forward to that and I also look forward to seeing you in the new year!

Love, Jeannette

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